Your business could be making more money by saving on your Forex, just by getting the best possible currency exchange rates. Savings could amount to thousands or even hundreds of thousands depending on your business. We offer the sharpest rates while focusing on the best interests of your business when dealing with banks.
Gapex offers complete foreign exchange solutions including competitive exchange rates, secure transfers, offshore payments and hedging in forward contracts, future contracts and derivatives.
We’re the middlemen who save you money. While your business focuses on your core service or product, we keep your exchange rates focused & sharp in order to help you increase your profits and reduce admin work. We provide better forex rates through preferential pricing, which ensures you save on every transaction for: imports, exports, offshore investments or overseas travel. Gapex will assist importers or exporters in understanding which currencies and economic fundamentals they are exposed to, their risk profile and factors that could influence the market. Our Gut Feel opinion report on currency movements will also be offered.
We also assist with SARB approvals and exchange control advice.
Gapex provides a more efficient and hassle-free dealing process. We provide our clients with morning reports, technical information and manage orders on your behalf while you concentrate on your core business.